Jostin Construction has been hired to build out the space in Longworth Hall that will be occupied by Walsh Kokosing Joint Venture, the design-build team for the BSBC Project.
Walsh Kokosing will inhabit the new space for the duration of the project, putting the design-build team’s office directly adjacent to the project site.
“We’re creating some beautiful office space for them and project subcontractors to be able to meet, work together, and get this project done,” said Josh Smitherman, business development manager with Jostin Construction. “Our experience in delivering high quality office spaces for our clients makes us an ideal fit for this scope.”
ODOT announced plans to purchase Longworth Hall for this purpose in late-2023, as a 200-foot section of the building is located within the project footprint and will need to be removed to allow for construction activities.
Walsh Kokosing currently occupies this section of the building, which will be removed during a later stage of the Longworth Hall project. A contractor for that phase has not yet been named, but Smitherman said Jostin Construction intends to pursue that work as well.
Jostin Construction is registered as a DBE in both Ohio and Kentucky, but it had never won government work before the BSBC Project was announced, Smitherman said. That changed when they were awarded the contract for the Longworth Hall project.
“Jostin Construction was built by people of diverse backgrounds who share a common vision for creating and providing a diversity of opportunities, and that’s exactly what we want the BSBC to be and do,” said Tommy Arnold, ODOT’s project manager on the BSBC.
Attending early DBE outreach events, such as an event in May 2023 hosted by the Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky African American Chamber of Commerce, put Jostin directly in touch with members of the project team, including Arnold. That direct contact and discussions gave Jostin confidence in its ability to pursue government contracts.
“I saw ODOT there and got a comfort level with the work and the project team,” Smitherman said. He encourages other DBEs and business owners to attend outreach events and connect with the project team to develop an understanding and get more information.
Now well acquainted with the project team, Jostin continues to attend DBE outreach events to form relationships with potential subcontractors and partners on other projects.
“As we are working through the Longworth Hall project and anticipating future work, it’s very important to nurture our relationships and build trust with subcontractors,” Smitherman said. He indicated these outreach events give him the opportunity to get to know services of potential subcontractors as they prepare to let future contracts.
You can find DBE resources and future project networking opportunities here.
Media Contacts
KYTC: Naitore Djigbenou – 502-782-4829
ODOT: Matt Bruning – (614) 466-6906
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